Eggless, gluten free and excellent Pumpkin muffins

The summer here is harsh.  Juicy fruits get reduced to mushy pulp in hours. The wet patch on t-shirts from gulping too much water off a bottle, evaporates in minutes. Even the setting sun can pull a magic trick at the blink of an eye. Everything disappears too fast. Except, the un-ending summer.


Eggless, gluten free and excellent Pumpkin muffins

To salvage some pumpkin that was in the refrigerator, I made these muffins. I wasn’t too sure they will turn out this good. A quick dessert/snack that uses vegetable in it and is approved by my almost-four year old. It ticked all the marks and that is why it made it here.

Eggless, gluten free and excellent Pumpkin muffins

What goes in:

1 cup whole milk (Or milk of your choice)

1 cup oats flour

1 cup gluten free baking flour 

1/2 cup coconut sugar, or more if you prefer it sweeter

1 cup pumpkin puree

1 tsp baking powder

1 tsp baking soda

1 flaxegg*

2 tablespoons canola oil

A pinch or more of ground cinnamon

Eggless, gluten free and excellent Pumpkin muffins

This is how we do it:

Mix pumpkin puree, canola oil, flaxegg and milk in a bowl. Combine the dry ingredients in another. Then simply mix the two together until well incorporated. Feel free to add chocolate chips, dry cranberries or whatever you fancy. I added some cranberries which my daughter preferred. Pour the batter into muffins pan and bake in a pre-hearted oven until done. It took me 15 mins. Serve warm with a drizzle of maple syrup and enjoy. You can keep these at room temperature for a couple of days and then keep refrigerated for a few more.

Pumpkin muffins eggless

Eggless, gluten free and excellent pumpkin muffin

*1 tablespoon flaxseed powder mixed with 2 tablespoons water and left for a few mins until gel-like.